This is a blog reflecting on turning 23.
But first, to keep my promise: the pot roast was ok. adam liked it, but i'm beginning to think more and more that perhaps it's not so much that i'm a great cook as it is that he just eats anything. bummer.
also important pot roasting tip: add your veggies in at least 2 hours before serving, otherwise they'll be crunchy still, and that's kind of gross.
also, should soon be changing to so you might want to adjust accordingly:).
and now..thoughts on being 23:
I generally have a hard time with getting older. It's not really a new thing for me. i remember the night before i started kindergarden, that i cried for what seemed like hours all because I liked being in pre-school so much and didnt want to be a kindergardener. So this whole anti-aging issue isn't really a surprise to me. Now I understand that in retrospect 23 isn't really all that old. But when I realized the other day that I was now 5 years older than the oldest High schooler in our youth group I felt a bit out of sorts. Not only am I 5 years older than high school seniors, I'm about 9 years older than middle schoolers! But my time in MS and HS really doesnt seem that long ago!
After I realized how pitiful i sounded, i thought harder and came to a more realistic and encouraging conclusion:
i think my problem isn't that i feel old, it's that i'm still in shock that i'm at this time in my life already. I'm at the age where i'm married, and can buy whatever i want, watch whatever i want, and go wherever i want (all with adam's approval, of course). Yes, those MS, HS, and college years are done in my life, but they were everything i'd hoped they'd be! And i've graduated college, and i'm now married, we're living on our own, in a new town, (hopefully i'll get a job) and all by the age of 23! So I'm doing okay for myself-- i've accomplished a lot already. Not only that, but there's still kids, and jobs, and traveling... see, I don't need to be such a debbie downer, I still have a lot of exciting things in my life to still look forward to, and i shouldnt miss out on them because i lose perspective.
(Besides, i hate it when women call themselves "cougars" and complain about getting old. And if i stay on that track, I'll be one of them. *shutter*)