Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Name Change

Since Adam seems to find this web address and title of the blog rather off-putting, I figured i'd change it.

So here's your heads up:

"Fine as a Frog's Hair" is now going to be "Ludwig Life".

This will mean the web address will change--but only the titles will be different.


kirstin said...

I can't believe I didn't know you have a blog!?!?!?!?!

I added you to my 'friends' and can't wait to read more about the life of trish and aj on here!

love you!

Anonymous said...

so are you going to put a link in your old blog to your new one so i can stalk you while at work?

jordan said...

YOU HAVE A BLOG?!?! kirst told me about it and I am ECSTATIC to get to keep up with you this way!

happy birthday, by the way!

jordan said...

p.s. I think it is hilarious that aji made you change the blog name haha!