Monday, November 24, 2008

I thought I'd never have to take a final again...

Sorry it's been so long since I last blogged...a lot has happened:

-kate was here for a whole week! It was so great to see her. Pictures to come.
-and because of getting this job I have to get my license in Property and Casualty Insurance for the state of Idaho.

I want to be clear... I'm NOT complaining and really still consider this job as such a blessing. But I confess that studying for this exam has really been a lot of work. Everyone talked about how easy this will be, no problem at all. I've come to realize that those people and I have different definitions of easy. Perhaps this is due to the fact that almost every day for the last 3 months I've been sitting around watching three hours of talk shows with a little bit of working out, errands, phone conversations, cleaning and reading thrown in the mix somewhere.
Nevertheless, I find all this information about insurance detailed and somewhat confusing. Thankfully I have a husband who has recently been licensed in the same type of insurance in Pennsylvania.

So anyway, that's the news. And probably will be the news for another week or two.

off to study, study, study.

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