Monday, April 6, 2009


I had a good week last week. It was a nice break from my normal week of job searching-cleaning-workout-slowness. Carla (Adam's mom) was in town. we did lots of fun, just hang-out stuff. Saw lots of movies, had lots of starbucks, and lots of good food. The week ended with fantastic weather, sad goodbyes, and some fishing, sunburn (!), and arrested developement. Wish i had pictures to post, but we can't find our camera cord; or I should say I can't find the camera cord-in case adam reads this.

now just holding out until next weekend.... less than 5 stinkin days!

1 comment:

mom/carla said...

Man...I leave and the sun comes out! I'm so glad that you had a chance to have fun in the sun.

Thanks SO MUCH for everything last week. It was great to hang out and spend some time with all of you!

I love you guys so much!!!!!