Thursday, April 30, 2009

my own search engine optimization.

I realize I've now posted twice in one day, but it's 3 o'clock, i'm unemployed, and adam's birthday is tomorrow, so i might not get to squeeze one in...

so I was reading a blog about how someone measures other's worth by googling their name and seeing how many items there is on the internet about them.

Huh.... interesting concept, probably not necessarily a positive approach, but nonetheless... I tried it.

bad idea. According to this method, i dont exist.
I've never had a sports article written about me (though i do recall trying to finagle my way into a soccer one about amanda stewart. I believe i stood next to the reporter trying to call out answers to his questions. Of course this was just to say a memorable quote about amanda in hopes of having the "fellow teammate and long time friend, Tricia Palmer..." line in there somewhere. unsuccessful.) and i guess having your name mentioned in the "1st and second teams all conference doesnt really make it to the top of the rankings in google's criteria. lame.
I may have one time been in the school paper about the play oliver, as I was a "Chorus boy". But school papers dont count, and that paper only came out whenever they finished it, so maybe twice a year, at unpredictable times--probably by then chorus boys were old news.
I didnt ever win any awards big enough to make the county paper.
I didnt put in an engagment announcement (what was I thinking, that was probably my only chance!?).
And the biggest slap in the face.... My facebook profile isnt even the first tricia palmer. (some might think of this as a good thing, less creepers, but i was slightly appalled). It's some red head who's apparently a "fan" of sushi and her mom.

bottom line: i need to work on my own personal search engine optimization. That way people might see just how important i am.

disclaimer: i tried googling tricia palmer ludwig, and i was the first one for facebook, but that's not even really my name. and there are no related articles following it about me. so i feel like it doesnt really count. and i shouldn't have to put ludwig in there for clarification.


Anonymous said...

ha gee did you read scott's blog? you're funny.

And if it makes you feel liz wright. I'm apparently a singer and black.

adamludwig said...

your disclaimer suuuuucks. your name is officially patricia joy ludwig! and that makes you very important. at least to me.