Wednesday, April 29, 2009

present surprises

adam's birthday is on friday. he's gonna be 25. so i've been planning what to get him and this week trying to get it all together. I'm just glad he's not liz because it'd be really easy for him to find out what it is. she'd ask around and sneak around to figure it out (punk). Fortunately, telling him not to go onto our online banking and see where my debit card has been used is typically taking enough precautions to keep things a secret. But i must say, being married and planning surprises is harder than i thought.

wish i could tell you more, but sometimes he reads this.


jordan said...

I can't believe he is going to be 25. that's crazy talk.

Bethany said...

Oh! You have me curious! What a good wife you are! I hope that you have fun tomorrow and that Adam has a very special birthday! :)

Anonymous said...

hahahaha this just made me smile very big at my desk. And i'd just like to say that I've gotten much better at not ruining my surprises...that and no one tries to surprise me anymore. I think i've exhausted all fam and friends.

Adam will love it though! you're a good wife.