Friday, May 6, 2011


Have I talked about my love of list making on here yet? Well, doesn't matter cause I'm going to anyway...

I love lists. I make them all the time. My purse if full of little post it notes. Things to do at lunch, things to buy at the store, things I want to look up online, blog topics, baby names I like, things to tell Adam later (his personal favorite....). I love them! Posted above you'll see the list I made of things I want to do this weekend. As you can see, I'll be quite a busy girl.

Why do I love list making? Oh, thought you might ask that. Let me tell you in a list:

1. it keeps my mind from running in circles trying to remember everything I want to remember (most of which is totally unimportant). In fact, most of the time, I don't even look at it later because writing it down already helps me remember.

2. it is the closest I can come to actually doing the things on the list. I'm impatient. When I think of something I want to do/buy/say (sadly this is a category), but I can't do it immediately, I write it down. It's as if I am saying to myself: "don't worry self, you've promised to do it later. It'll happen, cause it's on your list".

Anyone else compulsively making lists?


Anonymous said...

yes, this is why we are best friends. I also love making my lists into spreadsheets. I especially love a packing list.

Tricia said...

yes, which sometimes includes an outfit list on the packing list... *sigh*

Sara said...

T$ I have gone so far as to make these cute little spreadsheets with column headers for my lists!! My newest is my shopping list in a very cute but trendy and NOT tacky giraffe print list. The headings are things like grocery, costco, walmart, target. I love it I just keep a list going of things I need to buy and where I need to buy them!!! Love you!

mom/carla said...

You know where I stand with lists....simply put...I love 'em!