Tuesday, November 16, 2010

TV with Boys

Watching TV with boys keeps me from watching crap. Allow me to elaborate.

I have lots of guilty pleasures when it comes to TV shows. I love to keep up with the Kardashians, stay friends with The Real Housewives of ______ (preferrably Atlanta), help the Bachelor or Bachelorette pick their soulmate, judge the contestants on Project Runway, laugh and cry (that might be an exaggeration) with the cast of One Tree Hill or any teenage melodrama really, roll my eyes at Heidi and Spencer on the Hills when it was on, and so on. And I would say that considering the audience I write to, you probably fall prey to one of these shows as well.

These little "addictions" were not really a problem when we didnt have cable. Sharing a computer that served as both a computer and access to the cable world made it tricky to watch any shows that we both didnt commit to watching together. But now... we have cable (Yay!) and it definitely takes convincing to get to watch one of these guys listed above. And to be honest, it's difficult to come up with an argument as to why we should forego watching something else to watch these when you are debating with a boy.

Hence, why watching TV with boys keeps me from watching crap.

**as a disclaimer, those are not the only shows I like, they're just the unnecessary ones.


Anonymous said...

those are the only shows i like...that and house hunters/anything on tlc

Tricia said...

well get gus hooked now... or start to ween yourself off them.

Bethany said...

I have never seen any of those shows that you listed. I think this means I am not cool. My downfall is TLC. I follow every family of multiples. Corey is not a fan. I think we will need to have two separate TV watching rooms. :(

mom/carla said...

Funny thing is that I am always trying to GET RID OF CABLE. Having said that, my downfall when Mark is gone is HGTV. I have watched every Survivor season except season 1 and I like Amazing Race. Other than that, I can take or leave TV.

Kedron Annotti said...

Mom's post is classic :) I would agree whole heartidly with you T...Bethany Getting Married? was one for me too haha. And now Sister Wives but Patrick will actually watch it with me and make comments like "do they realize he just wants to hook up with multiple women??" haha. Im with you though- I have had to resort to going on Hulu for my shows..although going to be honest- there is very little tv watching in my life right now :)