Friday, July 22, 2011

Lean Pockets get an A in packaging

True Confessions: I like Hot Pockets. Even worse, I'll settle for a Lean Pocket. I am not proud of this.

Yesterday I forgot my lunch so on my lunch break trip to Target, I snagged some Lean Pockets (actually the ones pictured above to be exact). I forgot how much I like these guys! Later, Liz and I had a little pow wow about how we enjoy these (sorry for outing you Liz). It's kind of embarrassing, so I told her I wouldn't share this openly unless directly asked "do you like Hot Pockets?".

Listen, I will say that I can appreciate Jim Gaffigan's take on the situation (hilarious actually). In fact, I also realize that most of America shares his sentiments. But not me. I love these little bread pockets of cheesy goodness.

But I digress. The real purpose of this blog, surprisingly, is not to share another quirk about myself--especially since I just told Liz yesterday I would only confess this at gunpoint. The purpose, is to give credit where credit is due.

Lets talk about Hot Pocket's packaging for a second. It has progressed so much since I was in middle school (probably the last time I remember eating them). Seriously, easiest-frozen-lunch ever. Here's why: remember how you used to put it into that special sleeve and microwave then put on a plate and the cheesy goodness oozed out everywhere... NO LONGER. Now, you still use that special sleeve, but afterwards, you can fold one end into the other, creating a little pouch. ANDDDD there's more. That little pouch has perferated edges so as you eat your treat, just tear away the pouch so it gets smaller as your treat gets smaller! GENIUS

In school we learned a lot about the importance of packaging from a marketing standpoint. And this tells me that the Hot Pocket brand is concerned about making things convenient for me--time effective and dish free. If Dr. Powell was grading them, I'm sure they'd get an A in packaging.

Kudos Hot Pockets. Job well done.

And incase you dont hear from me for a while, its because I'll be vacationing on the Oregon Coast. Go ahead, you can be jealous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for outing me, i guess thats what best friends are for.