Friday, February 18, 2011

Too Much to Read, Too Little Time

I wish I was a faster reader. Wait, let me rephrase that; I don't mean I'm a slow reader, I mean I'm a distracted reader. I can sit down to read and then read a chapter and think, "man I should vacuum", or "darn, this table is really dusty", or "I wonder if Dear Genevieve or House Hunters is on HGTV...". Seriously, when everyone else raved about how the Twilight series was so good they couldn't put it down and read it in a week, I picked it up and it took me a year to read them all--not exaggerating. Not because I didn't like them (though I wasn't obsessed like most), but because they're so stinking long that a chapter or two every few days will absolutely take a year.

My other problem though, is that I like reading. I mean I get really excited about new books or magazines. Right now, I have 3 books I am "reading" and 3 magazines that come to my house (thanks to wonderful friends and family). I get excited about all of them... all 6 options. If only I could sit a focus every once in a while. (or read instead of writing a blog about reading?)

In case any of you were wondering what books/mags I'm working on... here's a list, and of course, I recommend them all:

for staying current in the marketing world...

...for a girlie fix...

...a great one recommended about the Holy Spirit (Adam and I are supposed to be reading this together)... be a good wife/friend... read up on fashion:)... keep up with celebs...

1 comment:

mom/carla said...

Mark and I are doing a bible study of Isaiah, which has been wonderful (and time consuming) but I'm stuck in a rut and have been reading magazines when I have "extra time". I miss being in a book club to read all kinds of books. At least you have several books that you are "reading"! Good for you!!!