Saturday, December 18, 2010

Most Likely to...

My friends Liz, Sarah, and I passed around a notebook during our senior year. We wrote all of our notes to each other in it. It's pages are plastered with magazine cut-outs of our favorite things/celebrities/sayings. It also has a few pages dedicated to lists. One list was "Most Likely to....". I was looking through it the other day and think it's pretty funny looking back to see what we nominated each other for when we were 17-18. I'll share the ones Liz and I got since Sarah probably doesn't read this, and the ones who do, might not know her.

Most likely to...
1. the first to wear mommy jumpers. Tricia
2. ...still live in PA for the remainder of their life. Liz and Tricia
3. ...join the army. Liz-ha!
4. be on their own reality TV series. Liz
5. ...have the first kid. Tricia
6. ...
get married first. Tricia
7. ...join a sorority. Liz
8. ...have the most kids. Tricia
9. ...have a child who wants a pet snake. Liz
10. ...die from overdosing on Diet Coke. Liz
11. the first to retire. Liz
12. ...have a pet chihuahua. Liz
13. a Fortune 500 Real Estate Company. Liz (she added this one herself, ha!)
14. ...own a motorcycle. Tricia
15. ...enter a beauty pageant. Tricia

Haha, some of these were right on, some not at all. But it's definitely fun to go back and see how we excepted things to go vs. how they really went/will go.

**Stay tuned for an entry of "Reasons boys suck" followed by "Reasons boys are cute"**

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BAHAHAHAHAHA wow i forgot you brought that home with you, and i'm so sad we cant read it together! waiting with much anticipation for those other lists.

i love that one of the categories was "most likely to have a kid with a pet snake" i think you made that one up.