Tuesday, December 14, 2010

God's Love Letter

Our sermon last Sunday was on Galations 4:4-5 : "But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship".

Normally this verse isn't really seen as a "Christmasy" verse, but our pastor pointed out how it actually encompasses all of Christmas. It was really impressed on me that God had a plan-a plan in which he orchestrated everything to fall into place just right so he could send Jesus. The timing had to be perfect! And it was!

Lately in the Ludwig household we've been getting ready for some changes. Some we're sure of what they are, but most we're not. But, one promise that the Holy Spirit keeps placing on my heart (a promise that shows up often in my life) is that God's timing is perfect. He has a plan! He's always had a plan. It doesn't matter how many times I make my own plan, and it completely falls apart, He has it figured out. And because He does, I don't need to.

Anyway, I started today a bit discouraged, so I found this "love letter" online. The site is super cheesy, but the words are pretty powerful. If you have a chance, you should check it out. It's amazing to be reminded of just how much God loves us.


Bethany said...

That's a really cool love letter! Thanks for sharing!

mom/carla said...

I don't think that the "love letter" was too cheesy. It's amazing how words can encourage us when we are feeling down. Sometimes it means going day-by-day and totally leaning on God's promises. And guess what, on the rest of the days, we do the same.

Now I just need to remember this myself!!!