Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I dont know what it is, but people take liberties with my name ALL the time. My full name is Patricia, and I cant even begin to tell you the number of times people have decided that means my nickname must be Pat or Patty. I dont understand?
College professors and substitute teachers when taking role would inevitably get to me and say "Patty Palmer?" looking around the room. And typically I countered quickly with "you can call me Trish or Tricia" while all my friends giggled in the background. In fact one time, in high school, I had a teacher (a hot teacher, so i didnt mind) call me "patorpatty" for the entire semester just because I asked him not to call me either.

well friends... i'm here to tell you this name-taking-liberty still carries on. Below is an email from a client (names taken out to protect the innocent):

Thanks, Patty, for the reminder – I paid online.
Dear client and world, please dont call me Pat or Patty. You can spell my name wrong all day... but please, please, dont call me patty.


jordan said...

oh tricia...the negative effect of having a family where mockery is the love language is that posts like this only inspire...I will try not to let drew and adam see it. :)

Tricia said...

jord... please do try to keep this info from drew and adam. however should it get out, it's ok. my own brother has a habbit of calling me "patty p" or at least he used to. sick right?

Anonymous said...

not a nick name...but people who forget my name automatically call me lisa...that makes me want to die. But if Mr. Bangbang called me Lisa, I would have ran with it.

Chrissy said...

I find this so funny because I am always being called Christy. Not that I's not nearly as bad as what people are doing to you! I once had a guy I didn't even know tell me I should consider Christine because Chrissy isn't professional enough...the nerve. Luckily - I think Chrissy suits me fine...and Trish/Tricia you...I just don't see you as a Pat or Patty at all.

Amie Hefley said...

I am so hearing that! I get Wendy... but my nickname is Wen. Somehow that gets turned into Gwen, which is equally as annoying as Wendy.