Sunday, June 20, 2010


13 week old Stetson playing among my beach gear

Stetson again

Aunt Karen, Nan, Aunt Nance

Nan says "salt water cures everything", so here's Julie putting in her sunburnt knees

Nan and me

Becky, Jules, Nan, Aunt Nance

Outside Bank of New York, Mellon. Where Jim works

Liz at Princeton Junction

Celebrating finally getting there... a car, train, subway ride later.

Liz and Jim on Stone street in NYC having lunch

Seems like everyone has had a hard time keeping up with their blogs lately, myself included. So there are some pictures that I've had (not many, and not really great ones--especially of myself, but putting pride aside, it's worth showing the people i love) from Philadelphia/NYC/Ocean City and of Stetson that needed to be posted. For more, or better ones, see the ones that Liz posted, or my family posted. I miss these guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love how awkward you are in the one in front of bank of ny, and my excitment pic of arriving is classic.