Sunday, March 21, 2010


I have a lot of t-shirts. Not as many as pictured above. (this was from google images and I think they're a boy's collection). But I FEEL like i have this many, especially if I'm counting Adams too. That's a lot of t-shirts in my life. I feel like that's all i do--fold and put away, stack and re-stack. It's tedious.

And I'm always a little gun-shy on giving away any kind of clothes. I think "what if i MIGHT wear this, or maybe i'll wear it in the summer, or under a cardigan" and so on. But generally I come down to the rule if i havent worn it in a year, i'm probably not ever going to paired with the rule to always give away something when i get something (thanks Bob Wright).

This works decently well with normal clothes. But t-shirts seem to have this extra staying power. They have a sentimental element that I normally dont deal with. "but i got that shirt when i won ____", "that was a christmas present", "my brother goes to school there", etc. How do you give that away? I mean really, they just collect. I have even, sadly to admit, put some in memory boxes---aka they're just folded and stacked somewhere else.

So that's my rant--t-shirts are my Achilles heel when it comes to managing my clothes inventory. I'm continuously at a loss with what to do with them. (and i dont want to make them into a quilt). ugh. the end.


Anonymous said...

when i come to visit you i will help you get rid of them. I'm really good at that (thanks Bob Wright).

Unknown said...

I'm turning a few of my fiance's favorite shirts into a quilt. I have a one foot square piece of cardboard, trace it onto the printed part of the shirt, and cut. When I have enough squares, I can start sewing. It takes up a ton less room and you can still have the memory to show people.

mom/carla said...

My solution is that I only keep what will fit in ONE drawer. I know that I give away many sentimental t-shirts but.....that's the way it goes!