Friday, March 27, 2009

heart or head?

I know everyone keeps talking about the economy, but that's just because the impact of it hits almost everyone, everyday. looking for a job in this economic climate is just plain hard.
My dilemma these days has been whether to "follow my heart" (look for a job that's something i really want to do), or "follow my head" (accept a job, that'll always only be a job to me. not exciting, but relieving). Would I be taking a step out in faith to wait, or am i being selfish for not using what's right in front of me? It's scary thinking about passing up one "ok" opportunity, to wait and hope a better one comes along. Am I being ambitious? Or irresponsible?

Sometimes growing up stinks.


Bethany said...

Wait- I thought you had a job!? What happened?
And that's a toughie. :(
I'll be praying for you.

adamludwig said...

I did, but i just quit a couple weeks ago. i promise it wasn't as dumb as it sounds. my boss was kind of nuts.

adamludwig said...

and... that's trish

Anonymous said...

favorite thing: you always commenting under adams name and then saying "that was trish"

Anonymous said...

also, since you don't have a job you shoould be blogging more.