John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."I'm a worrier. Yup, I admit it. As much as I try to deny it, I know it's true. And i've been especially a big worrier lately. But in doing our Bible study lesson today I was very convicted. It was talking about how when we pray for God's guidance it's often in a way that is asking for specific mapped out directions for our lives: what should I do? who should I ask? how do i do it? where will it take me? And often we dont act until we get these detailed plans. But the author points out that Jesus says HE IS the way, not that he'll show us the way.
This really just hit me in the face.
I like knowing details and I get excited about future plans. But this also leads me to a place where I know that I want God's will for my life, but I dont act on his will until I see the full big picture. I was just challenged today to take one day at a time and ask God what his will is for my life
today and respond to that. And if I really do this, I will be right in the center of His will everyday, which I know is where I want to be.