Friday, July 16, 2010


Last weekend we went camping. Yup. you read it right. It was Adam and Me, Keje and Patrick, Jason and Emily, and all our dogs, Ellie, Kya, and Stetson. Here's some pictures to prove it, please ignore the blurriness.
It was better than last year (if you dont recall there was arguing, knat hatches, and meadow fields filled with morning dew last year). And I've determined that while I'd probably not ever be the one to suggest we go, now I know for sure that I could if everyone else wanted to. (I think I might have said that last year, but I was just being polite. I mean it this time:) ).


mom/carla said...

I'm SO GLAD that it went better this time. It sounds (and looks) like all of you had fun!!!

Chrissy said...

OH NO!!! Are you going to the Dark Side?????? WE (me & Linda) NEED you!

Tricia said...

Chrissy, dont worry, I havent converted. Please rest asured that I would WAYYYYYYYYY rather sleep inside, away from bugs, with normal sized pots and dishes, and place to clean them, a shower, and flushing toilet. But, if everyone is going and my only other option is to stay home alone without friends... I'm just saying that I know I could survive:)

Chrissy said...

**Sigh of Relief**
You are awesome for being a trooper, and as you say, with good friends - anything (ok...even camping) can be fun!

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