Saturday, February 6, 2010

wish lists

ok well since the last post seemed to be a big flop do to the fact that i couldnt find a way to post my illustration so everyone could see it.... i figure its time to move on.

I have a shopping bug. The worst part...this is no time to have this bug. But I do. and it's really bad. But i've figured out a solution that seems to be working for now. It's called a wish list. A lot of online shopping sites are having these now. (some have had them for a while). But basically i can go shopping online, find stuff I like, and put it on my "wish list". It saves it and you can make it public or private--public if you are secretly hoping someone might randomly check your favorite site and buy you something on it. I tried to teach adam how to look up my wish lists on my favorite sites... he was surprisingly uninterested.

Anyway, it's the best of both can shop and pick things out that you WOULD buy if you had a money tree in your backyard. And you can keep adding to it, just in case some day soon you get a spare chunk of change to spend on something frivolous. I'm not sure i'd classify it as coveting... I like to think of it as pretend shopping. and for now... it's satisfying my bug.
(well...probably a combo of that and the sermon series we've been having on being content with what we have).


Anonymous said...

Hi. I just found your blog. It made for a very quick, interesting read, i think. So, thanks :)

No money growing out of trees doesn't seem to do anything to kill the shopping bug, in my part of the world too- sad!

The sermon part had me giggling.

kirstin said...

Umm, I LOVE this.
First, I love it that you are choosing not to spend money- way to show self restraint.
Also, I LOVE making lists. And wish lists, even more!

mom/carla said...

Pottery Barn currently has a sweepstake for $5,000 that ends Feb. 15 (the money tree). I went to the Pottery Barn website and tried to figure out how I am going to spend the $5000 when I win it :)

I guess this is sort of the same idea....

Anonymous said...

hi, i've been reading through your blog..

Anonymous said...

I never liked wish lists...I have a hard time playing pretend when I just want the real thing. So kudos on self control.

Unknown said...

those wish lists are great, too bad my guy isn't interested either. could you make it any simpler for him?