Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Reason for Seasonal Clothing

No, I did not draw this. Nor, did I have a cute niece or nephew draw it for me. I am a creep and stole a child's depiction of what seasonal wear is (a well done depiction I might add) to illustrate a point.

I have always struggled with what I'm about to tell you. Always.

I dress according to the weather. When I see it's going to be 90 degrees outside, I wear light clothing--perhaps a kind of sleeveless dress that you see above. Why? because it's hot outside.

Now conversely, when I hear it's going to be 30 degrees, I wear warmer clothing-perhaps a sweater dress that again, is so nicely pictured above. Why? because it's cold outside. And I would argue that most people do the same.

(You might be thinking this is all obvious, but it's bringing me to my point...) if we dress according to the weather, then why are we blasting air conditioning or heat? If I'm dressed for a hot day but the room I'm in is 68, then it defeats the purpose of my cute summer dress because I have to cover it up with that same cardigan that is worn all year long.

Listen America, if this is the way it's going to continue to go, then I propose that the stores just keep the same season of clothes all year long. Macy's, Forever, please no longer make cute silky dresses or tops. And J Crew and PacSun, also please avoid selling any wool cableknit sweaters or fuzzy lined hoodies. Lets all just wear thin cardigans all year long.

Either that, or please, please, let's just be reasonable with the temperatures at which we're setting our buildings. That way we can all continue to dress according to the seasons we all love.

(I'm tired of being uncomfortable)

thank you.


Anonymous said...

Amen. This espeically bothers me at church, but maybe their thinking is if its cold then people will have to cover up...thus being modest by accident.

PacSun Insider said...

This is PacSun Community here! I totally feel you on the air/heat tip! yesterday I was in a coffee shop working away on my computer and I swear the temperature dropped 15 degrees every hour from 2-5pm - i walked in in a sundress and walked out in a hoodie, dress and leggings (The extra clothes were in my bag for the evening). Not only is it ridiculous to pump frigid air into a coffee shop where everyone is buying frozen drinks for summer,but it is a HUGE waste of energy and natural resources. Let's start a revolution!
-PacSun Community

Bethany said...

I hear ya. I hate it in grocery stores. They keep the grocery stores at like 50 degrees and I have to wear cardigans or sweatshirts every time I go there. :(

mom/carla said...

I'm with all of you!!! Just let us have at least 70 degrees inside so that we can enjoy a bit of summer! The resulting "summer cold" due to blasting "arctic" air conditioning is a common ailment! Once I wore my -40 Northwest Territories Parka at my desk to make my point!!!