Saturday, January 3, 2009

Coeur d'Alene, ID

Today I have a particular distaste for Idaho. I know that sounds harsh, but it just might be stemming from the 2-3 feet of snow everywhere, not being able to drive my car for the last few weeks, and the fact that I fell flat on my butt about 30 minutes ago in the Albertsons parking lot.
But the thing is... I really dont dislike it as much as I feel like I do today.

I was thinking about this the other day. Living here for the last few months has taught me a lot. I've learned how to live on my own, without my family. I've learned to how stay in touch with friends. I've learned how to be a wife (a never ending lesson, I suppose). I've learned how to get around in a new place, how to drive in snow, and how to talk about camping and trucks without looking confused. I've learned more about myself and the things that are important to me. And I've learned more about how little my life's plan matters and how much more God's plan matters.

Ok, so this blog might have been more for myself than for everyone else, but I needed a chance to write down how I am thankful for Idaho, even though today I dont really feel like it.


kirstin said...

well said, love.
and if you get permanently sick of the place, I know people in denver who'd take you in. :)

Tricia said...

thanks... i'll be honest, the thought has seemed more and more appealing in the last few days. It's supposed to snow another 10 inches tonight into tomorrow. Also, I think the 50-60 degree weather in Denver last week DEFINITELY worked well in your favor:)